December 15, 2013

November 11, 2013


Sometimes I'm asking people to send me some very quick line doodle, so I could finish it.

August 25, 2013

The storm

Probably will move further with this sketch later.

August 20, 2013

Video of the sketching process

This video shows how I used to start with the very first visual of an idea. It took me 40 minutes to render the idea. I was not paying too much attention to details or anatomy. It is how I'm saving the ideas on my laptop in order to move further later with some of them. Enjoy!


August 13, 2013


Made up my mind to finish Mermaid sketch.
And now it is available as a print all along with some other works of mine. Go and get some prints!
Also big thanks to all who already bought some prints there!

June 03, 2013

Space station process

I've been asked to show the process of my working on some of my works, so I decided to find some.. The only problem that unfortunately I'm not used to save all the stages of working, that is why my wip pack of sketches is very poor. Anyway..

Here is small process set of sketches for the work "Space station". I don't know, maybe it could be useful somehow.

I've started with the very rough line sketch

Then I was mostly concentrated on the characters (not a good way to move on with the drawing)

Close up

Making all the interior was not a hard task, I've spent more time on characters. Here is almost finished work

Client said that there is too much light all over the drawing, and it doesn't match with the planned mood. So I spent more time on it make the light not so flat and bringing more interesting mood. Here is the final